A long time ago... {Portland Children's Photographer}

I am way behind on my blogging! These two cuties and I met up in mid September to play at the park. Two year old T took a little time to warm up to me but then he was all about modeling. His big brother was there to play and loved having some action shots! We had a great time!


To book a session with Lindsey, please email lindsey@lindseylyonsphotography.com.

Energy {Portland Family Photographer}

The parents in this family warned me right away that the two little ones had gotten very little sleep and weren't feeling their best. If this was them tired, I want to see these two well rested! They were two little fireballs and I was laughing non-stop! I seriously had such a blast and loved seeing how much these two love each other!




To book a session with Lindsey, please email lindsey@lindseylyonsphotography.com.
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